data-driven marketing

Recommend in 2020

As 2021 approaches, we want to take this time to reflect on the challenging year we are leaving behind. Also, on how grateful we are for our clients’ trust. Our platform helped improve performance in the face of one of the most difficult periods for brands and retailers. Implementing a solution such as Recommend, it’s not […]

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Dec 30, 2020
Product Update - Reporting
Product update: Reporting

The eCommerce industry is ready for an exciting future. The latest studies estimate that eCommerce retail sales will account for 17.5% of overall retail sales worldwide. So, the need for good reporting is more important than ever! With the constant transformation of the retail industry, online shoppers are also looking for an improved shopping experience […]

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Dec 08, 2020
Improve ROI
5 ways to improve ROI

Return on investment or ROI has always been the key focus for companies across any industry. Despite being an important metric, some marketers struggle with the right ways to measure its results. On a simple level, ROI is the comparison between the amount you spend on a campaign and the revenue generated from it. For […]

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Oct 21, 2020
Personalisation platform eCommerce
A personalisation platform for your eCommerce

The use of a personalisation platform in your eCommerce is essential. Especially, if you want to get ahead of your competitors and closer to your consumers. Many personalisation statistics show the importance of more unique and customised interaction between brands and users: 80% of shoppers are more likely to buy from a company that offers […]

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Mar 24, 2020
Data-driven Marketing
Personalisation and data-driven marketing

Data-driven marketing is a process by which marketing teams determine behaviours and predict trends using information obtained from activities generated from their omnichannel strategy. The goal of data-driven marketing is to optimise processes.

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Mar 19, 2020