The adventure of opening and maintaining a small business is not an easy task. Being a retailer is a job that requires passion and a lot of responsibility. You can either start locally and offer your products and services to your neighbours. Or go on a different direction by creating a website and implementing an […]
Read MoreEvery change generates resistance. When it comes to corporate, naturally, there is no palpable desire to go beyond standardised ways. Just as personalisation is becoming a common practice in eCommerce, its principles can, and should, be part of the corporate culture.
Read MoreMarketers must know their customer. Improving the effectiveness of personalisation in your Marketing strategy requires making these recommendations and personalised content useful for your user. That is, the implementation of personalisation must be pragmatic in execution and delivery. In a study conducted by Gartner / CEB in 2018, they identified two types of customisation:
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